Data SGP is an online tool designed to allow educators to monitor student growth percentages alongside achievement data, helping them better understand their students and identify areas for improvement. Data sGP also enables educators to determine which students require special assistance and which are making rapid strides forward.
Growth percentages provide educators with more accurate measures of student performance compared to traditional measures like mean, median and mode. They allow educators to more accurately determine which students are on track to meet state goals; identify students needing assistance; and differentiate classroom instruction accordingly for those performing well.
SGP analyses can be most insightful when employing a consistent baseline cohort of students as the starting point. This helps reduce correlations caused by differences between teacher or school characteristics; and students in the same cohort being taught by similar teachers during their educational experiences. To obtain optimal results, data sgp must be analysed over multiple years of testing.
Data SGP analysis would not be relevant if only one Badger Exam were ever administered during any year; as the results of that analysis would likely not reflect how a student might perform on other exams such as WKCE or Forward Exams; therefore leading to misleading comparisons and possibly inaccurate assessments about student performance.
In response to this challenge, the Wisconsin Department of Education has created an online dashboard displaying statewide student growth percentiles. Users will be able to compare percentages of students who fall below, at or above national average as well as break out subgroups such as race/gender and socioeconomic status.
The Wisconsin Department of Education has developed interactive data tools to assist districts in better interpreting and using student growth data. You can find these on the BAA Secure Site under “Reports.” Additionally, Macomb and Clare-Gladwin ISDs have both created macro driven MS Excel documents which take district student files from BAA Secure Site and plot both achievement and growth at once – without needing programming knowledge! These tools make this easy for users.
Data SGP allows educators to accurately track students’ progress, yet does not replace a comprehensive and challenging curriculum. Students will make more progress when provided with high-quality instruction across subjects and grades. Administrators and teachers must collaborate closely to develop and implement a curriculum tailored specifically to each child’s learning needs, in order to maximize progress and foster success for all pupils. If students receive personalized and effective instruction, more of them will make progress and thrive. As we become more knowledgeable of what it takes to teach well, we will be better able to ensure all students have equal chances for success – ultimately changing lives and shaping our nation for decades to come.