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Lotteries are forms of gambling in which winnings are determined solely by chance. In the United States, all state-run lotteries operate legally as legal monopolies that do not allow private companies to compete with them; lottery proceeds go toward funding public education, public services and other projects; approximately 90% of Americans live in states with lottery systems and spent approximately $57.4 billion gambling on lotteries during fiscal year 2006 alone.
Colonial America used lotteries as a popular form of fundraising, especially during times like the French and Indian War when funds were needed for roads, canals, churches, libraries schools colleges etc. Lotteries raised over 200 Million USD for colonial governments and its various enterprises utilizing them as fundraisers.
The word lottery originates in Middle Dutch loker, which can be traced back to Old English noun lot meaning fate or fortune. The modern usage of the term dates back to late 16th century England where it referred to any affair which relied upon fortune or luck such as combat duty; later, however, it also came to mean any contest in which tokens or tickets were distributed randomly with prizes awarded at random selection.
Lotteries come in all forms, but among the most widely played lottery types is that in which players purchase numbered tickets with matching numbers on them and win prizes if any match a predetermined set of winning numbers. Winners are then announced through a drawing; prizes range from cash sums to goods or services provided. Most US lotteries sell tickets for one dollar each; prize pool money depends upon both how many matching numbers were selected as well as ticket sales figures.
Lotteries must attract enough players in order to offset prize and operating costs and ensure fair and legal play among customers. In order to accomplish this task, lottery operatorss must advertise their games widely while making sure all potential customers understand how the rules work.
Lotterie commissions aim to convey that buying and scratching tickets is enjoyable, in order to mask its regressive aspects and encourage people to spend a substantial portion of their income on tickets.
Advertised jackpot amounts in lotteries often seem temptingly large; however, these prizes actually represent annuities with payments spread out over 29 years. Although this fact is often neglected when considering whether winning a lottery prize is worthwhile.